Friday, November 19, 2010

My experience learning English at the University.

Hello friends! How are you? This is my last post and I will speak to you about my experience learning English at the University.

I studied a municipal school, so when I arrived at our University I was not an expert in English because we were many students, 45 persons. However, I know some grammar and some words because we have to read books written in English. But we never listened recordings, perhaps once or twice in one year, then it is very difficult for me listening and speaking some words in English. Even, at the University I got some ones in some quizzes. But, really, I think that if someone like a language he can learn alone.

When I registered at our University I was informed that I should to answer an English test because I should to get certain grade of English when I finish my career. Fortunately, I don’t get a bad mark in the exam and I reach level three, then I wouldn’t waste time in level one and two.

Sincerely, I don’t like English in our University or maybe in our faculty because I don’t know how English is in other faculties or careers. I don’t like English in our faculty because English grammar isn’t systematic. When I went first class I thought that we would learn grammar orderly according to our level, but we only learned topics or expressions in some situations or contexts. However I liked to write in English and I liked to speak in English. I think that writing, listening and speaking is a good method for learning English.

When I have to speak in English I was very nervous. I remember two situations, when I have to speak in an oral text and when I had to speak in an oral presentation. I was very nervous because I don’t speak English very well and I don’t pronounce some words very well, and the reason is my English in my school because when I arrived to first class some classmates speak very well.

In conclusion, I think that English in our faculty listening and speaking is very well. However, I consider that teachers should to teach more grammar. But anyway, I learned new things in English this year: words, expressions, listening, speaking, etc, because we learn things all the time.

See you in other subjects, perhaps!

Good luck!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hello friends! How are you? This time I will speak to you about Christmas.

Christmas is an important celebration in the western world. Christianity celebrates Jesus’s birth in Belén in December, 25. Even wordChristmasmeansChrist’s mass”.

However, after a new important figure appeared: Papa Noel, Santa Clous, Viejito Pascuero or San Nicolás. He is known for all this names. It depends place of the world. Papa Noel is inspired in a bishop’s Middle Ages. In the time he transformed in an old and flat man. His clothes are red and he lives in Arctic Pole with his wife. He works with many goblins, they construct toys for children of the world and he uses a sled thrown by reindeers like transport. This person and his legend began in century XX. Coca-Cola, famous drink, stood out this figure and it dressed red his because before this figure dressed green. So, Coca-Cola used this figure with a commercial purpose, and today Christmas has a commercial purpose, today Christmas has become in a material event and not religious celebration. Before this celebration, the entire world is worried for buying a good present for their relatives or friends, these are capitalism effects. In this date are many people in the streets buy a gift, this is a date with a lot of consumption.

I am atheist, so I don’t believe in God. However I enjoy this celebration, because I can be with all my family and we have a dinner. For this reason Christmas is special for me. Then my ideal way of celebrating Christmas is with my family and we eat tasty food, a lot of food. When I was a child I waited this celebration for getting a present because I watched many toys in TV, but today I don’t important presents, finally, today I like this celebration because I can be with my family in peace.

Bye! See you soon!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Green planet!

Hello friends! How are you? In this opportunity I will speak to you about how green am I.

First, I must say that I am very critical about environment topic, but really I don’t act a lot of for changing the situation. This happens with many people and finally I am one of them. I must admit it. Often people learn enviromentally friendly practices in the school, but today there are many environmental institutions. For example, Greenpeace, Earth Action, Friends of the Earth, etc. They work in many countries and they fight against the global pollution and they learn people rycicling habits.

I haven’t enviromentally friendly practices. For example, I don’t use bike, I take bus and metro. I would like to use bike, but I live in Maipú, then I would take three days to arrive to university. Maipú is a distant place. I have never joined or supported any eco-organisations in my life either, because I haven’t time or perhaps because I have been lazy about this topic. In my life I have protested for other things, education, for example. However I have simple environmentally friendly practices: I don’t throw rubbish in the streets, I don’t use water or electricity unnecessarily and I don’t use car or chimney in my home. My family and me have an electric heater, we don’t pollute with carbon, although we pay more money for this. My role is very passive with regard to environment topic.

Regarding environmental pollution in Santiago, I think that in the schools must teach an environmental conscience, transport system must be effective for using fewer cars and in this city must have more supervision because some people still use chimneys in their houses, and in a populated city this is unnaceptable.

What is your opinion?

See you soon!